Collaborating on a Nationwide Scale
The diverse and impactful journeys Head-Royce alumni pursue after graduation showcase the unique talents and achievements within our community. Whether simultaneously or on different timelines, the shared experience of attending Head-Royce creates a familial bond that extends beyond school years. With over 5,000 alumni at-large, our network is robust; it's not surprising that former classmates become colleagues and that the name “Head-Royce” opens doors and establishes immediate trust.
We met up with alumni to hear about their career journeys and how they are working together. Their stories highlight not only individual and shared successes but also the strength of the alumni network across fields. 他们所传达的内容描绘了一幅充满活力和积极参与的公民的画面, 校友和学生都为他们的社区和其他地方做出有意义的贡献.
Andy Rabens ’01, the 负责国际经济和全球伙伴关系的副总统特别顾问, 他的政治生涯开始于白天在国会山实习, while making ends meet selling theater subscriptions in the evenings and weekends from the telemarketing bullpen of the Kennedy Center. 他开始上大学的那一周,就是世贸双子塔倒塌的那一周,000 Americans lost their lives; a day he recalls “opening my eyes to the larger world around me.他成为职业网球运动员的梦想开始破灭, his interest in global politics and international affairs sparked after he took a few government courses; growing into a passion that has continued to the present day.
He laughs fondly about his time in ticket sales, 承认卖票有点像卖创意. “You have to be willing to talk with anyone without fear of being rejected; a good life skill!” Andy continues, “Too often we discount skills that are honed in unusual places even though they can be very transferable.” During his years as a student-athlete at Head-Royce, for example, sports had a big effect on his belief in the importance of a team-oriented approach to work and life. Learning to be a team player can be challenging but the benefit of working together on a shared goal is in itself a reward.
“Individuals can offer up big ideas to spark change, but it often takes a team to mobilize around those big ideas and deliver meaningful and lasting impacts.”
While starting his career in politics took a little time, 这并不是安迪所克服的最困难的挑战. “I had a severe lisp as a kid and grew so frustrated by my inability to enunciate the ‘dr’ sound in ‘Andrew’ that I began using ‘Andy’ instead.多年来,他一直在努力让自己说话更清晰,结果得到了回报, 他也努力克服了早先对公开演讲的恐惧. “By attending countless Toastmasters classes and forcing myself to repeatedly get in front of audiences, I improved.” The good news, he says, is that public speaking, like many skills, is one that can be learned. “4001百老汇会员登录可以投资,并通过工作和实践在这方面做得更好, allowing us to overcome some of our fears, perceived roadblocks, and challenges.”
Andy is currently in his 15th year of work for the U.S. 在美国,四任总统和六任国务卿都担任过政府职务.S. 他认为自己是美国队的一员.
“我在许多总统的政府中工作过, beginning with the end of the Bush administration, continuing through the entirety of President Obama's and President Trump's administrations, 现在我很自豪能在拜登-哈里斯政府任职.” As a civil servant, he sees presidential administrations a bit like an Olympic relay race where you may have your preference of runners to run different legs of the race with their unique style or approach, but at the end of the day, you are part of Team USA.
The reward? So many different components come to Andy’s mind. “Getting to work on issues that matter and can potentially change peoples lives for the better at home and abroad and being part of incredible teams like the current Vice President's team where I’m surrounded by inspiring colleagues who care deeply about the country, the issues they work on, 以及政府积极改善人民生活的力量,” he reflects.
他现在在美国副总统办公室工作, Kamala Harris, along with Head-Royce alumna Dr. Rebecca (Friedman) Lissner ’05他是副总统的首席副国家安全顾问. “I work with Dr. 利斯纳(又名丽贝卡)的日常工作,她是一个令人难以置信的充满活力的领导者, thinker, and writer; an absolute rock star.” Andy notes that they have a shared connection from growing up in the diverse community of the Bay Area, and attending Head-Royce.
His parting message to those interested in but perhaps shying away from careers in government or public service is: “Give it a go. Government is only as good as the people willing to work in it to create the changes that we seek. 就我个人而言,我仍然对政府所能做的事情充满信心!,强调4001百老汇会员登录需要更多有新想法的年轻人来帮助塑造未来. “Yes, things may feel divisive now," he says, “但我真的相信,4001百老汇会员登录作为人彼此交谈得越多, find commonalities, and break down the armor that many of us wear, we will find greater common ground, less divisiveness, and opportunities for further collaboration.”
More Alumni Collaborating on a Nationwide Scale
We asked Claire Rose '19, L'Oreal Marketing Associate, what has been the most meaningful aspect of working with Samir Sawhney ’17, another HRS alum?
"I think that the most meaningful part of working alongside an HRS alum is having a friendly face to be candid with! As I am just starting in office life, there is a lot to learn both professionally and socially. 在办公室里交朋友看起来和在人力资源管理局的日子大不相同, 有一个我认识的人,可以向他寻求建议和支持,这是一个改变游戏规则的人! 我一直在找萨米尔帮忙做一些小项目,他总是很有帮助. 有一个不评判你的问题或困惑的人总是好的, and [is] there to be in your corner!"
When asked what challenges she has faced in her career and how did they lead her to where she is now, she explained:
"作为一名刚从高露洁大学毕业的学生,我的职业生涯才刚刚开始. There are two challenges that stick out to me. First, 得到我今天的工作当然是一个挑战, applying, and interviewing were all very new to me. 我希望我在申请工作的时候更多地了解人力资源和社会服务部的校友联系项目, 因为我知道Jayhawks总是很乐意互相帮助. I have already had a couple of younger HRS alum reach out to me and I am already eager to talk to them. 其次,很难在工作中真实地出现. I am new, I am young, 我没有经验,而且(老实说)大多数时候都很笨拙, so finding out how to share my true personality is something I am continually striving towards. 这是我喜欢和HRS校友一起工作的另一个原因, 身边有人知道我叫“克莱尔”,真让人耳目一新,” and not as the “new Marketing Associate.”
We also checked in with Tyler Lohman '04, Oliver Kremer '04, Marcus Byrd '11, and Leo Kremer '98 (above), 大学毕业后一起创业的四位HRS校友, about their experiences of working together.
Leo Kremer '98, Co-Founder and former Co-CEO, Dos Toros (with Oliver Kremer), currently Founder-at-Large, Founders Table Restaurant Group and Partner, Shtetl Ventures (Oliver holds the same roles) shared:
"与其他HRS校友合作最有意义的部分是自动信任, respect, and playfulness.
4001百老汇会员登录在沟通、团队合作以及重要的墨西哥卷饼方面有着共同的观点. It was also fun being able to reminisce about teachers, sports teams, and various academic projects.
每天和泰勒、马库斯和奥利弗一起工作都很愉快. We faced many challenges around growth and the need to adapt the organization at each stage to our new reality. Every business has ups and downs and we learned how to face both with tenacity and equanimity. We found with Dos Toros, and I continue to believe, 事业和生活中最大的风险之一就是无所作为."
Tyler Lohman '04, Co-Founder and Vice President of Development, Dos Toros; currently Senior Vice President, Development, Health Hospitality Partners added:
"[The most meaningful part of working together was the] inherent trust based on our shared HRS experience. Whether we overlapped or not during our school years, 我知道,通过与其他人力资源管理局的人一起工作,4001百老汇会员登录有了坚实的基础, well-developed IQ and EQ, and clearer understanding of the world and each other, 如果4001百老汇会员登录没有共同的人力资源管理经验,从一开始就不可能做到这一点.
Successfully working alongside friends for so many years sets an unrealistically high bar for comparing future opportunities. My post Dos Toros job search ("retylerment" as I came to call it) coincided with the onset of COVID-19 and lasted a full year, 很大程度上是因为我害怕没有其他经验可以与我之前的经历相媲美. 我不慌不忙,探索了广泛的领域和机会, but continued to be inspired by young, mission driven companies. In March 2021, 我接受了健康酒店合作伙伴(HHP)的管理职位, which is a healthcare amenities company, coincidentally also started by two brothers; I think I've found my next career."
Marcus Byrd ’11, Head of Marketing (2015–2020), Dos Toros; currently Director of Marketing and Brand (employee #1!)为Hart House(2020年至今),Kevin Hart的新酒店概念解释道:
"I've lived in 3 other major cities—Washington DC, New York City, 还有洛杉矶——没有什么比湾区的人更好的了! More specifically, 我认为海德罗伊斯在帮助学生培养天生的自我意识方面做得很好, 同时总是为更大的利益和社区而努力.
Despite never living in the Bay Area after high school, 在我的职业生涯中,我完全接受了在初创企业工作. 我喜欢快节奏的环境,没有两天是一样的, however, it also requires immense organization. 作为一名营销人员,我喜欢寻找发展业务的全渠道方式, but it is incredibly important to try to measure each tactic on its own merits so you can digest what worked before reapplying or changing tactics. My motto for 2024 is 'Dream big, but aim small'!"